23 April 2012

WOW! Springtime already????

Hello, everyone! Can you believe it has been since December 18, 2011 that I last posted something here?

Yep, it has been that long (far way too long). Since then we started a new year, HAPPY NEW YEAR 2012 and have had five (5) new episodes of the BerlinBrigade.com Podcast go online.

But that's not all, the Facebook group page crossed over the 1,500 member mark...who will be #2000???

I also started a Fan page on Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/BerlinBrigade) check it out. While it is not as active as the Facebook group page the fan page I will use to communicate to the Facebook crowd as to the happenings here at BerlinBrigade.com.

The Twitter (@BerlinBrigade) is still up and running and we are twittering away. Mostly, on the weekends and evenings. Be sure to check us out.

Also, be on the lookout for random SPREECASTS (http://www.spreecast.com) I will announce the next one on Twitter & Facebook so be on the look out for that.

Let's see what else...over the coming days I am going to start incorporating video into the Website nothing fancy, but it is a start.

That's about it for now. Until next time, which I promise will NOT be five months from now.


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