22 December 2006

Merry Christmas Website Update

Just wanted to let everyone know that the website has had the registry updated with all site submissions. Over the weekend, the email changes that were submitted via other methods than the online registry form will be added.

Thanks and Merry Christmas

P.S. The following unit pages were updated: 2/6 Inf, 279 Hosp, 287 MP, 298 Band, 3/6, 320 FA, 4/18, 4/502, 4/6, 40 Arm, 42 Eng, 5/502, 592 Signal, 6/502, 6941st Gd Bn, 94 FA, AFN-Berlin, Aviation Detachment ,HHC BBDE, CSB, Det A, Drill Team, FSB, HSD, Misc, Signal Support, Svc Co, and USMLM

15 October 2006

Website Update

The Commerce Page has been updated with some new designs that you can get over at CafePress.com

There are a few more designs coming online just in time before the Holiday Season kicks off.

The October Registry update will be in before the end of the month.

As always we thank you for your continued support.

26 September 2006

09262006 Registry Update Complete

The following unit registry pages have been updated:

2/6 - 287 MP - 298 Army Band - 2BTG/6 - 3/6 - 4/18 - 4/502 - 4/6 - 40 Armor - 42 Engineer
5/502 - 592 SSC - 6/502 - 7350 Support - 94 FA - AFN Berlin - Aviation Detachment - Drill Team - FSB - HSD - Svc Co - Unk - USCOB

Thank you for your patience,

29 July 2006

July 29 Website Updated

All the inbound Registry additions and email change requests for the last month have been added to the REGISTRY database.

COMMERCE page has been update with UNIT GUIDON FLAGS for all 4th Battalion, 502nd Infantry Companies A, B, C, CSC, and HHC. UNIT GUIDON FLAGS for all 5th Battalion, 502nd Infantry Companies A, B, C, CSC, and HHC added as well.

More stuff coming soon.

Additionally, a NEW SHAMELESS SELF-PROMOTION page will be coming online in the coming weeks. The purpose of this section will be for those former members of the Brigade to promote their goods or services to other former members of the Berlin Brigade. So if you have a business, service, or goods that you want to promote, start getting your information together.

DO NOT SEND anything in until, we ask for it as the section is undergoing testing right now and NOT ready to accept live data.

The live audio history program is still in development and should be coming online sometime in the fall.

That's all the news that's fit. Thanks

27 June 2006

Registry Update July 1, 2006

The Registry will be updated Saturday July 1, 2006.

Thanks again for your continued support,

06 June 2006

D-Day +62 years

Today, BerlinBrigade.com stops and remembers the sacrifices of everyone who participated in the greatest invasion in the history of this small planet. It was early in the morning of Tuesday, June 6, 1944 that "Operation Overlord" was launched.

Thank them for accomplishing their mission, so we could accomplish our.

Take a moment a say a prayer for those that did not make it off that beach alive, say a prayer for those that did but did not make it home, and especially say a prayer for those that made it off the beach, made it home, but never can forget the memories of that day of days.


28 May 2006

Memorial Day 2006

Memorial Day, according to MemorialDay.org, originally called Decoration Day, is a day of remembrance for those who have died in our nation's service. One day to honor those that have paid the ultimate price, I don't think so. We should remember them every single day we live in this nation. Just like we wake up every morning and give Thanks to God for giving us this day, we should also Thank God for giving us those brave individuals who answered the call and paid the ultimate price.

As a veteran, I have nothing but the highest respect and honor for my fellow veterans and active duty military men and women. When it comes to those Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, and Marines that have died in the line of performing their duty something greater comes over me. A sense that I owe them an honor that I can never begin to offer properly. So I do what I can. I will raise the flag with Pride and Honor that I was part of a great organization that made men of such caliber and grateful to be born in a nation that has had such men living among us.

Enjoy Your Memorial Day.

24 May 2006


Good news. Just in time for the Memorial Day Weekend. All units represented in the REGISTRY are now online.

Additionally, the gallery has its images restored.

Now we can begin regular updates. Thank you for your patience.

23 April 2006

Registry Update

As of 6:15pm Central Time, we currently have the registry pages online for

  • 1st Battalion 6th Infantry (1/6 Infantry)
  • 2nd Battalion 6th Infantry (2/6 Infantry)
  • 287th Military Police Co.
  • 2nd Battle Group 6th Infantry (2BTG/6 Infantry)
  • 279th Station Hospital
  • 298th Army Band
The rest will be coming online throughout the course of the upcoming week. I thank you for your patience and, above all, continued support. Dave.

18 April 2006

Up and Running....well sort of

We are up and running but not at 100%. The registry database is not fully functional. We should have it all under control by the weekend.


17 April 2006

Pardon The Interruption

Please pardon the interruption in service. It seems that the Webhost provider has migrated to a new server so it may be a couple of hours before we have full access to the website. In the meantime, rest assured BerlinBrigade.com has NOT gone off the air.

David Guerra

16 April 2006

04/16/06 Update

The Unit Registry has been updated. What's going on? Twice in one month????

02 April 2006

04/02/06: Registry Update

FINALLY!!! The unit registry has been updated. More updates coming.

04 March 2006

3/4/06: Just Checking In

Greetings All. I am checking in after an unexpected hiatus. There were some family issues that came up, things are back to normal. Unresolved issues will be addressed within the next few work days. Additionally, the Registry Database will be updated throughout the weekend.

Thanks for your continued support.

25 January 2006

HAPPY 2006

A very heartfelt New Year wish goes out to everyone. May 2006 be better than 2005.

Website Update
1. Greetings to Ms.J's
American History Class at Millard South High School. We hope you enjoy your visit to BerlinBrigade.com. If you have any questions about West Berlin, the Berlin Brigade, or the soldiers who served there do not hesitate to ask. There are plenty of resources here.

2. The Commerce page has been updated to include all the Cafepress Stores for all your BerlinBrigade.com gear.

3. Registry Update will be done this weekend (1/28-1/29)
