31 August 2007

Berlin Brigade Registry Update 08/31/07

Greetings everyone,
In keeping with the site updates and changes this long weekend the last registry database update for August 2007 has been uploaded. This update was made effective on Friday August 31, 2007 at approximately 4:00pm CST.

Also this blog entry is now viewable on the home page of the Berlin Brigade website.

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30 August 2007

Berlin Brigade Labor Day Weekend Briefing

Attention All Personnel.
You are hereby directed to have one each regulation type Labor Day Weekend. In Accordance With BerlinBrigade.com Policy 07-009 you will observer the Labor Day Weekend with the following conditions:

1. Do not drink and drive
    A. If you drink you will call a taxi or
    B. you will have a designated driver
2. If you go swimming
    A. You will swim with a buddy or
    B.  Where a lifeguard is present
3. If you get picked up by the MPs for any reason you will
    A. NOT call the First Sergeant as he will not answer the phone all weekend
    B. be on time for Tuesday Morning Formation (NO EXCUSES)

Additionally, there will be Registry Additions and Layout Changes made to the BerlinBrigade.com website during the weekend. So until then you are


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27 August 2007

Berlin Brigade Database Back Under Control

Not too sure what happened but the database is working fine at this time. Let's see how long it will last.

This weekend, the first Registry update for September will be online.
New individual pictures for the gallery
Plus a few goodies.

Dave Guerra

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24 August 2007

Website Update

There appears to be some problems with the BerlinBrigade.com registry database.

I will be working on it over the weekend and hopefully have the problem resolved.

I do apologize for the inconvenience,
David Guerra

11 August 2007

Berlin Brigade (dot) com August 10, 2007 Update

Attention All Personnel:

IAW BerlinBrigade.com policies and procedures, this serves as notice that Registry has been updated with latest additions and changes to individual entries.

Additionally, we continue with the recognition of the August 13, 1961 building of the Berlin Wall, by bringing down the prices on the Divided City merchandise. All the items at the Berlin: The Divided City CAFEPRESS.com page have been discounted for the next 30 days.

Remember, a portion of the sales continues goes to a Military based charitable organization.

That is all...nothing follows