01 December 2009


This is a Technorati Claim test

04 November 2009

Is it 20+ years already?

By now, I hope you have had a chance to check out the new BerlinBrigade.com re-design. I also hope you like it. If you had not had a chance to see the new look please stop by.

Right now, I find myself with my family in a hotel room in Houston, Texas getting ready for our flight to Berlin to be in town for the 20th Anniversary Celebration of the Fall of the Berlin Wall.

The last time I was in the city was 22 years ago, two years before the wall fell. Though I was there when President Ronald Reagan gave his famous "Tear Down This Wall" speech, I never thought that I would see the wall fall anytime soon. However, there was that crazy night in November 1989 that the world changed and it changed forever.

I was in Houston (coincidence???) when I saw the late Peter Jennings reporting that unexpected things were happening in Berlin. The first thing I thought was that it was feint and the Warsaw Pact was making an unprovoked first strike. Once the news really started to flow, I knew that it was not an invasion of armed forces but an invasion of the people those forces were in place to keep behind the Iron Curtain.

It was also at that moment that I, along with all others that ever served in Berlin, realized that we did it. We won the Cold War, we accomplished the mission, we did it. Everyone that ever served in the city of Berlin; British, French, and US forces along with everyone that ever served during the years of 1945 to 1989. We did it. We did it together.

That being said and if you are in Berlin on Monday November 9, 2009, I invite you to stop by the Allied Museum (Outpost Theater) on Clayallee just north of Clay Compound for a special presentation that afternoon.

A few last words about the website. Next to my family, the love and passion that I have for BerlinBrigade.com cannot be rivaled. You could say that the website has grown into another member of the family. Therefore, as families grow they also change and you can rest assured that look of BerlinBrigade.com will change again. However, it won't be anytime soon.

Out Here.

08 August 2009

Registry Update

Greetings. Hope everyone is having a great weekend. Just wanted to pass along that the registry is up-to-date. All entries from May 24 to August 8 (12:00pm) are now online. Hope you find an old buddy with this latest update.

More changes to the site coming soon.

Thanks for your continued support,

21 June 2009

June 21, 2009 Update

Happy Father's Day!!!! Hope all the Dads out there have a wonderful day.

Also, a new podcast is now online. Enjoy!


23 May 2009

Registry Update

Hope your Memorial Day Weekend is going great. Just wanted to let you know that ALL entries between April 1 and May 23 appear on the registry database.

A new podcast coming this week.


22 April 2009

April 21, 2009 Update

Just a quick note to let you know that the REGISTRY has been updated with the Changes, Additions, and Deletions that have been requested from 03/17/09 to 04/01/09.

More Changes and Adds coming this weekend.


18 March 2009

March 18, 2009 Update

Good Day All,
Just a quick note to let you know that the REGISTRY has been updated with the Changes, Additions, and Deletions that have been requested from 02/22/09 to 03/17/09.


15 March 2009

March 15, 2009 Update

Greetings everyone. Hope these recent winter storms are not keeping you from doing what you need to do, but if they are then here is a little something to pass the time. The latest episode of the BerlinBrigade.com podcast is now online. I invite you to set aside about 45 minutes and have a listen.


08 March 2009

Sunday March 8, 2009 Update

I have a really important podcast interview to post. However, I have not received the approval to post it. Typically, when an interview is recorded I tell the interviewee that I will not post the interview until I get their approval. In order to do this I format the interview into a cohesive format and post it online for their review and approval. If the approval is given I proceed with posting it in the form of a new podcast.

Right now, we are on hold until the approval is given. So if you and I recently talked please check your email as there may be a message waiting for you.

Also, for everyone else please do not be discouraged by the process, I do this to ensure that the interviewee does not get surprised by what is being posted online.

Lastly, I do continue to invite everyone to drop me an email so that we can get you on the podcast. I know you have something to say, we all have something to say, so come on say it.


21 February 2009

Registry Update (02/21/09)

Registry has been updated for add, removal, and change submissions from 1/29/09 to 2/21/09.


26 January 2009

Podcast #11 Now Online

Seems that I had my days mixed up. However, better a day late than none at all. Podcast #11 is now online please enjoy.

Talk to you soon, Dave

24 January 2009

January 23, 2009

Registry updated for all entries submitted between 12/24/2008 - 01/23/2009.

New Podcast Scheduled to be online on 01/24/2009.

Thanks for your patience
David Guerra