18 December 2011

Vaclav Havel (1936 - 2011)

Just weeks after the Berlin Wall falls the Czechoslovakian Communist leadership steps down and Vaclav Havel becomes President without a shot ever being fired. That was, for the most part, the scene across Eastern Europe throughout the very, very late 1980s and very, very early 1990s.

Want to take a moment and say: Rest In Peace Vaclav Havel! Thank you for your commitment, dedication, and doing what had to be done. We thank you for being one of the countless many that helped take the world out of the darkness that was Communism and into a new change, a new age, a new light.

For good or bad today, we live in a world no longer darkened by a sinister shadow that hangs over Europe. It is because of men like those that served in Berlin throughout the Cold War as did those that saw that our commitment and dedication to that beacon of freedom was to emulated throughout Eastern Europe did events such as the Velvet Revolution bring about change.

Change is above all how we become better people.

We Change Thus We Change The World!

Thank You and Rest in Peace, Vaclav Havel


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