18 September 2013

Wednesday Morning SITREP 0918060013Z


Good Morning Everyone,
Here is a little something I have gathered and think you will find interesting.

1. Cold War Relics in the Caribbean: The Abandoned Planes of Pearls Airport

A small article and a couple of photos of an old SOVIET aircraft that were in place in the island nation of Grenada at the time of Operation Urgent Fury in 1983.

link to the article: http://www.slate.com/blogs/atlas_obscura/2013/09/17/cold_war_relics_in_the_caribbean_the_abandoned_planes_of_pearls_airport.html

2. For first time since Cold War, Russian navy sets up permanent Arctic presence

Story about the Russians returning to their old Cold War stomping grounds: the Arctic.

link to the article: http://www.alaskadispatch.com/article/20130916/first-time-cold-war-russian-navy-sets-permanent-arctic-presence

3. Cameras disguised inside coat zips and bugs hidden in tree trunks: Fascinating insight into the crafty tricks and devious gadgets German spies used during the Cold War

Article about some the gear the Stasi spies used during the Cold War. Some of it obvious and some not so obvious. There was one that had me thinking "Oh, that's how they did that."
Guess which one it was?

link to the article: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2423361/From-cameras-disguised-inside-coat-zips-bugs-hidden-tree-trunks-Fascinating-insight-crafty-tricks-devious-gadgets-German-spies-used-Cold-War.html?ito=feeds-newsxml


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