14 March 2010

Spring Forward

How is your Spring Break going? Also I hope you made it through the spring forward of Daylight Saving Time or as I like to call it the "Long Night of 1 less hour of sleep."

Either way here we are and the latest episode of the BerlinBrigade.com Podcast is online. Right now, we are letting the episode propagate through the iTunes network before putting it on the front page (which should be later tonight (Sunday)).

If you didn't get a chance to listen to John Bolden, Jackie Dunn, Ray Williams, Michael Broadway talk about the escape from East Berlin to the West in episodes 17 & 18 don't worry those episodes can still be found on the PODCAST archives page, along with all the other podcasts.

Hope you are following us on the BerlinBrigade.com Fan Page on Facebook. We are having a lot of fun, sharing plenty of images, having a great conversation, and having a great time.

I will post a follow up message once the podcast is fully online.

Thanks for your time,

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