29 July 2008

Back online (07/29)

Greetings all, by now you have heard that Hurricane Dolly made a little mess in deep south Texas. Being that the BerlinBrigade.com World Headquarters is located in deep, south Texas and at one point was less than 15 miles from the eye of the hurricane we were without power and Internet for a while. The good people that provide us with electricity and Internet access have brought us back into the 21st Century.

We still have some cleaning up to do, but for the most part things should be back to normal by the weekend. In the meantime, I thank you for your continued support and please pardon the delay in getting things online.


06 July 2008

July 6, 2008

Greetings all,
First off, I do hope everyone had a Safe and Wonderful Independence Day Holiday and Weekend.

So let's me make this a quick note to let you know that the Registry Datadase has been updated with all entries submitted from June 15, 2008 to mid-day July 6, 2008.

Episode 8 of the BerlinBrigade.com Podcast is in post production, be on the lookout for it.

As always I Thank You for your continued support,