15 September 2013

Sunday Morning SITREP 0915075513Z


Good Morning Everyone,
Here is a little something I have gathered and think you will find interesting.

1. Our view: Disturbing Cold War-era discovery

The discovery of Unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine, starter fluid for the Nike ground-to-air missile fleet in a Chicago suburb.

• link to the article: http://heraldnews.suntimes.com/opinions/22549889-474/our-view-disturbing-cold-war-era-discovery.html

2. Teufelsberg mirrors Berlin's dramatic history

"An artificial hill in former West Berlin was once a major building site for Nazis - then a surveillance center during the Cold War. Today, it's being restored by artists and conservationists, and welcomes visitors."

• link to the article: http://www.dw.de/teufelsberg-mirrors-berlins-dramatic-history/a-17074597

3. Cold War airbase turns ghost town

Interesting little article on how post Cold War realities are affecting life in the former USSR.

• link to the article: http://barentsobserver.com/en/security/2013/09/cold-war-airbase-turns-ghost-town-05-09


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