14 September 2013

Saturday Morning SITREP 0914085013Z


Good Morning Everyone,
Here is a little something I have gathered and that you may find interesting...

1. Fake mustaches, hidden cameras, 80,000 agents: How Stasi brutalized a nation
An interesting little article by CNN on how the STASI used "disguises and complex surveillance techniques" A nice little look back. The accompanying photographs have an individual that looks familiar. Hmmmm, could be the disguise.

Link to the full story: http://edition.cnn.com/2013/09/13/world/europe/stasi-images-book/?hpt=hp_c3

2. From the Fall of the Berlin Wall to Tahir Square: The Case for Freedom, Democracy, and Peace
Huffington Post has an article on geo-political divisions in the world and the need for REAL Leadership in the world.

link to the full story: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/amb-alexandros-p-mallias/from-the-fall-of-the-berlin-wall_b_3916348.html

3. Bulgaria closes probe in Cold War umbrella killing
Story about the death of Georgi Markov, Bulgarian journalist, who fled Communist Bulgaria and settled in the UK. Markov is believed to have been shot with a poisoned tipped umbrella and died four days later in 1978. The story centers on the current Bulgarian Government's attempt to find the culprit but to no avail.

link to the full story: http://www.boston.com/news/world/europe/2013/09/12/bulgaria-closes-probe-cold-war-umbrella-killing/M9QAIUzupdX2DJHGMm75rO/story.html 


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