21 September 2013

Saturday Morning SITREP 0921081013Z


Good Morning Everyone,
Here is a little something I have gathered and think you will find interesting.

1. Power city: Berlin’s political nerve centre

"What happens in the German capital affects us more than the goings-on inside the Washington Beltway or even Whitehall’s square mile. Ahead of Germany’s federal election tomorrow, it’s a good time to stroll through the heart of the Berliner Republik"

link to article: http://www.irishtimes.com/news/world/europe/power-city-berlin-s-political-nerve-centre-1.1534795 

2. One cheap switch saved US from nuclear catastrophe in 1961, declassified document reveals

Article talking about how a nuclear crisis was averted when a B-52 bomber carrying a nuclear weapon broke up over North Carolina in 1961.

link to article: http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/09/21/20608882-one-cheap-switch-saved-us-from-nuclear-catastrophe-in-1961-declassified-document-reveals?lite

3. Berlin, Prague, Vienna: Far from the beaten European path

Planning on traveling to Berlin here's a little bit of info for you to consider.

link to article: http://lifestyle.inquirer.net/126581/berlin-prague-vienna-far-from-the-beaten-european-path#ixzz2fWzLIHJ0


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