Hello, How are you doing? It certainly has been a while since I last wrote something here and I have no excuse for the wide gap between postings. However, after the events of this past weekend I really need to do a posting before it gets too late.
If you have been following the BerlinBrigade.com fan page on Facebook or the Twitter page, you may have read on a posting that I was looking for people in the Washington, D.C. area that were up for an impromptu BerlinBrigade.com meet-up. The reason as to why I was going to be in Washington, D.C. was kept on the down low until everything was set.
I was invited to the Residence of the Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to the United States to celebrate the Day of German Unity on the evening of Friday, October 1st. The Ambassador, Dr. Klaus Scharioth, and his wife were most gracious hosts and it was most wonderful of them to open their home to all that were present on Friday evening to share in the celebration of 20th Anniversary of German Unity.
Of course, we all know that it takes more than one person to say "Hey, let's have a party" and make the party happen. It takes a support staff to pull it off. Therefore, aside from a great big BERLIN BRIGADE(dot)com THANKS to His Excellency Ambassador Dr. Klaus Scharioth, I want to extend that same Big Thanks to Tanya Jones, an Editor at the German Embassy's Press Department and the countless other Embassy staff members, Security Personnel, Contractors, Caterers, and the Bundeswehr Musikkorps Band and a couple of others that will be named later.
It certainly was a thrill and I am so glad to have been able to attend. Vielen Dank!
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