Another Holiday season is upon us and I hope it finds you and your loved ones in Good Health and all the wealth of the world be yours, not just at this time of the year but for all the days to come.
This coming year marks the beginning of the second decade of being online. It truly has been a blessing being able to provide the service I do to all of you, in helping keep the traditions, memories, and (above all) friendships strong and alive. 2008 marks the 14th year since the colors of the Berlin Brigade were cased and the unit deactivated. Yet, 14 years seems like nothing considering that people are still making connections with old friends and finding new ones.
I also want to take the time to thank everyone that purchased Berlin Brigade gear over at CafePress. This coming year there will be more designs and gear online to so that you can show your UNIQUE pride of the Berlin Brigade. A lot of cool stuff is yet to come.
Also, I want to give a thanks to those on the internet that have also contributed to help keep the Berlin Brigade memories alive and well. Reinhard von Bronewski: Vielen Danke, Doug Bottalico and everyone over at Berlin Brigade Wall Watchers: Thank You For Keeping the Conversation Going.
Let us also take the time to remember those that are no longer with us. Though they will be missed and we are sad, we also must rejoice that they were part of our lives and at one point we even called them BROTHERS. Now they are at peace and we must continue to remember them, not in sadness but in joy, that way they will always live on in our hearts and minds.
Take the time and THANK an Active Duty Soldier, Sailor, Airman, and Marine. Tell them you appreciate what they are doing, because you once walked the path they now take and know how they feel this holiday season or anytime they are away from home.
Thank a Veteran, as well. It was all of us that blazed the trail for those that have come after us.
Thank You, Have a wonderful holiday season and I leave you with these parting words
- Stay safe.
- Don't Eat Too Much (OK, eat as much as you like but there will be a P.T. test just after the first of year)
- Don't Drink and Drive
- Swim with a buddy
P.S. Last Registry update for 2007 will be online just after Christmas.
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