19 March 2022

Observations on the situation in UKRAINE (2022 edition)

Back in 2015, I wrote a blog post (right here) on the situation in UKRAINE. Here we are seven years later and we are back at it again. Unlike last time, now there Russian forces are on the ground and are racing to bring UKRAINE into the bosoms of Mother Russia. 

As all great plans they are only good when on paper. As many have found out, any plan is as great up to the moment of implementation. Then like all great plans they usually get filed into the burn bin, trash can, shredder, pretty much it goes out the window.

To the dismay of the Russian troops on the ground they are finding out how much the Ukrainian People are willing to invest in keeping their country independent. Of course, the Russian Troops like the Russian People are not told the truth of why the forces are in Ukraine. However, like history has told us time and time again, the TRUTH can stay hidden only for so long. 

Having stood toe-to-toe against our former Soviet Adversaries when based in Berlin, Germany in what were the waning days of the Cold War I am starting to see some commonalities. As human beings, we like to repeat history. The good and the bad. OK, maybe not so much the good but certainly we excel at repeating the bad parts of history.

As Putin has so famously declared about the fall of the Soviet Union. In a State of the Nation address Vladimir Putin said, 

"First and foremost it is worth acknowledging that the demise of the Soviet Union was the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the century,” Putin said. “As for the Russian people, it became a genuine tragedy. Tens of millions of our fellow citizens and countrymen found themselves beyond the fringes of Russian territory.

“The epidemic of collapse has spilled over to Russia itself,” he said, referring to separatist movements such as those in Chechnya."(1)

Thus it comes as no surprise of that the current situation in the Ukraine is happening. However, this time things are a little different. 

They are different in that unlike the Crimea, Chechnya, Georgia and other such incursions, this time there is pushback. This time the Ukrainians said enough is enough. The Ukrainians are fighting back. Fighting back to the point of reaching a stalemate. Of course, if this next offensive move by the Russians does not meet its goal because as modern warfare has dictated you take the capital you take the nation. 

If the stalemate does occur do not be surprised to see a proposed division of UKRAINE something like the division of post World War II Germany. The Russians in the east and a NATO backed western Ukraine. The capital city of Kyiv gets divided much like Berlin was sliced after the capitulation of Germany and after the Russians ravaged, razed and raped the city (and its occupants). I am not saying the Russians will do to Ukraine what did to Berlin and eastern Germany but so far they are 2 for 3.

Again, I want to qualify myself by stating these are my observations and possible outcomes of the situation in Ukraine. This situation is far from over but when somewhat of a conclusion does arrive the global landscape will not be the same as it was yesterday.

Thank you for your time,
David Guerra

(1) source: https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna7632057