08 November 2015

November 8, 2015 website update

Happy Holidays Everyone,
Just wanted to share with you the Unit Registry has been updated.

The following unit pages have been updated:
  • 2BN 6INF  
  • 3BN 6INF  
  • 4BN 6INF  
  • 4BN 18INF  
  • 4BN 502INF  
  • 5BN 502INF 
  • 6BN 502INF  
  • 6941 GUARD BN  
  • 287 MP CO  
  • 40 ARMOR CO  
  • 42 ENGINEER CO  
  • MEDDAC  
As always,  you can access the updated registry by visiting the BerlinBrigade.com Registry page at http://www.berlinbrigade.com/pages/registry/index.html 

Thanks and talk to you soon,
David Guerra

17 June 2015

#BerlinBrigade in the news: Berlin Brigade Veteran participates in Fishing Tournament

#BerlinBrigade in the news: Berlin Brigade Veteran participates in Fishing Tournament

In the news feed this morning (06/17), I came across a very interesting article from Southern Maryland Newspapers through their website "SoMdNews.com" that mentions Berlin Brigade Veteran participating in the annual Paralyzed Veterans of America/Walter Reed annual bass fishing tournament held at Smallwood State Park in Marbury, Maryland.

The website article mentions Berlin Brigade Veteran is Michael Murphy, 49, from the great state of Kentucky. The article mentioned the top fishermen, unfortunately Murphy was not mentioned among them. However, Murphy is quoted in the article, "It’s been beautiful, it’s just the fish aren’t biting much."

Hey, I firmly believe a bad day of fishing beats a good day doing anything else (including work). Whether it was a good day or bad day that is for Murphy and all the other Veterans at the tournament that attended to let us know. However, I suspect they will say it was a good day. All of us need all the good days we can take.

In the meantime, I am going to pack my gear to get some fishing time in before it gets a little too hot down here at the BerlinBrigade.com Headquarters.

If you know or know of someone that is a Berlin Brigade Veteran and is out there continuing to promote the Berlin Brigade spirit and live the Berlin Brigade mission please let me know by email dave@berlinbrigade.com

Thank you,
David Guerra

reference: Southern Maryland Newspapers Online

#BerlinBrigade in the News: The Eastern European Gambit

#BerlinBrigade in the News:
The Eastern European Gambit

There was a time when it looked like Russia and the United States were going to make something good happen. Something good for the entire planet. However, that was not to be. Just as the Berlin Wall fell over 25 years ago, the times have changed.

Sure, the Soviet Union has ceased to be but that does not mean the land grab is over. It was easy after the Second World War for the Soviet Union to take everything it acquired either through battle or through Allied agreements (Tehran, Yalta, & Potsdam) and create alliances such as the Warsaw Pact but that was a long time ago. Things have changed since the collapse of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. The land grab continues with Russia acting like a vision of its former self. It took Crimea with little to no effort. Now it has its vision on the Ukraine and has done so since the annexation of Crimea. While, officially, there are no Russian forces in the Ukraine there are Pro-Russian forces doing their thing to destabilize the area that is of prime interest to Russia.

That is where the concern begins. See geographically Ukraine borders with Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, and Romania. That is a little too close for comfort for many people in the west. 

So what happens next? NATO has to act and react without actively getting involved. The “Pentagon is considering a plan to store heavy weapons and equipment in Eastern Europe to reassure allies that Washington has their backs in case of Russian aggression. The equipment, which would include battle tanks and other heavy weapons could supply as many as 5,000 American troops in several Baltic and Eastern European countries.” A recent article in the New York Time quoted James G. Stavridis, a retired admiral and the former supreme allied commander of NATO.

While the amount of equipment considered is nothing compared to anything that Russia can muster in the no time, should it to “officially” decide to make a move against the Ukraine. However, I agree that should the “balloon go up” in the Ukraine having something close by. As the New York Times mentioned about the pre-positioned equipment, “it would serve as a credible sign of American commitment, acting as a deterrent the way that the Berlin Brigade did after the Berlin Wall crisis in 1961.”

Now do not get me wrong, I am not for letting the situation in the Ukraine become a shooting. What I am for is if it does come to bullets flying then let us make certain that we have the back of those that need our back. Heck, we did not spend all that time, manpower, resources and money in Europe during the Cold War to let it all become a new Cold or Hot War all over again.

Reference: http://www.slate.com/blogs/the_slatest/2015/06/14/u_s_plans_to_store_heavy_weapons_in_eastern_europe_for_first_time_since.html

14 June 2015

June 2015 SITREP

Greetings All,

Here were are almost halfway through 2015. Luckily, it has been a little quiet here at the BerlinBrigade.com World Headquarters.

Unluckily, it has been too quiet and that's not a good thing.

By too quiet, I mean that there has not been anything of note to report back to you. While there is not much to say, it is also good that nothing bad has happened.

Let's talk about the BerlinBrigade.com website:

This past month, I have updated the registry with approximately three email address changes, forty new additions, and one removal. Check out the Registry page by clicking here

Added, one business to the Berlin Brigade Veterans Business Directory. Please be sure to check out the directory by clicking here

The homepage has been re-arranged a bit, nothing crazy, just a change of the boxes. Nothing was removed and nothing added.

Hope everyone is having a wonderful Summer.

Thanks for your time and your support. I will write more soon. All this down time, has given me an opportunity to put a card (or two) up my sleeve.

Until Next Time Thanks,

15 April 2015

April 2015 Update

I hope you're having a great spring. I hope that you and yours had a wonderful Easter or Passover or whatever you celebrate this time of year.  Now, many of us start focusing our attention to summer vacations. If anyone is planning a trip back to Berlin the summer please let me know or take me please!

Seriously, you don't have to check in or take me with you, unless you want to.

Not much has been going on around  here. Well, not much more than usual.

Episode 59 went live on Saturday, April 11 2015. It is what I call the April 2015 episode. In that podcast, we answer some email, talk the Berlin Observer, ask for your help, and give you a great big THANK YOU!

visit the Episode 59 podcast page:


We've added a new line of merchandise to our vast offerings on Cafepress. It is the APO NY line. Featuring everyone's favorite Army Post Office address: APO NY 09742

Other APO NY locations are already added such as Wildflecken, Grafenwohr, Bad Kissingen, Weisbaden, and even more coming soon.
visit the APO NY 09742 page:

As I mentioned in the podcast, I want to take a moment to thank everyone that has purchased any of the BerlinBrigade.com items. The purchase of the items really go a long in helping keep the website up and running. Thank You!

This about wraps it up. Please stay in touch. I sure would like to hear from you!

Thanks for your time,
Dave Guerra
Berlin Brigade

15 March 2015

In Memoriam

Recently, over the course of twenty-four hours, we were made aware of the passing of two our Berlin Brigade Brothers. While no one likes to hear of a death, especially Family and Friends, it is an unfortunate consequence of life. All of us will leave this mortal coil one day, it cannot be avoided.

One minute we are here and the next we aren't. No trumpets nor fanfare marks that moment when we cease to be. That is sad. 

For soldiers, the reality is even sadder. I have always considered the death of a fellow soldier a very terrible thing. Here is someone that knows me though not personally but knows me because we share the same love of country, that love that we showed when we raised our right hand and took our oath. We share the same pains and joys, especially if he was an Infantryman like me. We have seen the same things and had common experiences, especially if he served with the Berlin Brigade. 

We walked our talk. Then to have one less means the rest of us now have to tighten our perimeter because we are all we have left. We must continue to have each others back. Though we might not have served at the same or were not in the same unit but we were there, in Berlin. We were there at a time when things could have gone sour at the drop of a hat. Sometimes, that hat did drop. We were there to do a job that not very many were able to do but WE DID IT because that's what we signed up to do.

There might not be tears for you when your time comes nor do I expect tears to be shed for me when my time comes. However, we should all expect that every Berlin Brigade Veteran tightens up, gets shoulder to shoulder and continues the mission. Though the Berlin Wall has fallen, the Berlin Brigade deactivated and Communism is a fading memory, our mission will never end. We were Soldiers then as we are NOW. That is why we must carry on.

First, we say Goodbye to our buddies, friends of our youth. Until we meet again.

Rest In Peace Roy Ramirez, Eric Stephen Sly, and all the others that have gone before.

All The Way. With Pride.

03 March 2015

Wait A Minute Where Did February Go? (aka March 2015 update)

Seriously, did anyone see what happened to February?

I mean, there we were celebrating Groundhog Day and eating chocolates from St. Valentine's Day while enjoying the day off on Presidents Day. Now look at us!

March is well underway and what have we got to show for February?

Let's break it down.

February 1st, the 58th episode of the BerlinBrigade(dot)com Podcast went live. It is the first episode of 2015. You can hear it live by subscribing on iTunes or visit the podcast page at BerlinBrigade.com

Also on February 1st, the BerlinBrigade(dot)com Registry was updated. After that round of adds, changes, & deletions we are hovering real close to the 5000 member mark. Not bad. Not bad at all. Thank you to everyone that has signed up.

Just after Presidents Day, our Good Friend, Chris Kuhn is reminds us that he is "putting together a reunion for the 5/502. The rooms are in the Stratsphere resort and casino Las Vegas" on July 24-26. This is part of the 5th Battalion 502nd Infantry group. If you are interested in attending this event or want more information please drop Chris an email at ckuhn67[at]embarqmail.com (remove the [at] and put the @ its place)

What are we looking forward to for March 2015?

1 March 2015: Registry Update [done]

TBD: Gallery Update
TBD but NLT 08 March 2015 : Podcast episode #59
TBD: New additions to the Commerce page.
TBD: Registry Update

I will post announcements on Twitter & Facebook when the objectives for March have been met.

Thanks for your time,
David Guerra (A/6/502)
BerlinBrigade.com Webmaster

26 January 2015


Greetings Everyone!
Hope that 2015 is finding you in a good health. I also hope you are ready for all the new challenges that are ahead for all of us.

This update while overdue is also going to be brief. It has been an unusually slow month here but then again who really wants to get back into the swing of things after this past Holiday Season?

While we still have one week left in this month there are plenty of things still left to do.

PODCAST: While it was recorded over the weekend of Jan 24 - 25 it has yet to be edited so be on the lookout of that to drop early this work week.

REGISTRY: This will be completed and updated to the website sometime this week (shooting for Wednesday 1/28).

WEBSITE: New adds and changes will be made by Saturday (1/31) including new additions to the Gallery.

FACEBOOK PAGE (https://www.facebook.com/BerlinBrigade): This is an ongoing project and as always it is updated more frequently than the website. Please visit us there.

Thanks for support and patience. I really do appreciate you.

Thank you,