27 October 2014


For those that don't know, SITREP stands for SITUATION REPORT.

In the Army, especially when we were deployed, conducting some type of operation or mission, over the radio a higher level element would call in, via radio, "SITREP, over."

That meant they wanted to know what our current situation was or is. Usually the response was what was expected, such as, "we are engaging the enemy" or the ever popular "situation normal all f##ked up" (SNAFU). No matter what was actually happening when the request for a SITREP was received the only thing that was expected was the truth. Plain and simple, unedited truth and about 4 times out of 10 that's what was given.

4 times out of 10? (OK, I might be just a wee bit exaggerating.)

However, consider the following: either the situation is more dire than it actually is or the reporting parting was under-estimating the severity of the entire situation. The Fog of War will usually do that.

Fog of War?

The Fog of War is the uncertainty of situational awareness that comes with being in the middle of a military operation. At some point, during an engagement all you can see is what you can see. You and those around you will begin to lose sight of the big picture and start to focus in on what is no more than the throwing distance of a hand grenade.

I hope I haven't lost you.

Fog of War not withstanding here is the latest SITREP at BerlinBrigade.com

While it may appear to be a SNAFU, we are far from it. The Education Initiative is slowly starting to take shape. The first web pages are still under development and it is my intention of having them online before Thanksgiving 2014.

I know earlier in the month I wrote that it would be soon. Then as I started to create the content and the initial pages it became quite clear that there was no way I was going to make it.

With regards to the following pages here is the situation:
Unit Registry: We are up to date on that.
Veterans Business Directory: One business comes online this week.

Thanks for your patience.

As always, if there is anything I can do for you please let me know.

Thanks again for everything,
David Guerra
A/6/502 •  Berlin Brigade • 1985 - 1987

11 October 2014

About BerlinBrigade.com Education Initiative

Greetings again, 

How are you? I do hope all is good in your neck of the woods! 

 This weekend I want to briefly talk about the BerlinBrigade.com Education Initiative. 

In order to get it launched and well underway I believe you should know and understand what it is that I am trying to do with the EI. 

In its simplest form, I envision the BerlinBrigade.com Education Initiative to be the “go-to” place for all Educators about West Berlin, the Berlin Wall. the US Army in Berlin, the Occupation of Berlin from 1945 to 1990, and the people that served in Berlin during that period of World History. 

The vision is to provide accurate information about dates and events during the Occupation of Berlin. Whenever possible, it would great to have first-hand accounts of those events in West Berlin. Then take that information and put into a format that is used by students and scholars as part of their academic pursuits. 

The reason behind the initiative is to fill a void that is rapidly created as time moves further and further away from time and place in history that we knew as the Occupation of Berlin (‘45–’90). 

Therefore, I will be creating a list of the dates and events that I would like to initially provide and then if you or someone you know would like to contribute to providing the “real” Berlin Brigade story.

It will be a long and arduous task but with your support, I do believe we can make the BerlinBrigade.com Education Initiative a first class affair. 

In order, to become the premiere location for all things Berlin Brigade we must work together. 

Therefore, I want to create a Master Group

The Master Group will compose of individuals that will help guide and direct the Education Initiative. If you feel you are up the challenge then please drop me an email (dave@berlinbrigade.com). 

 This offer is open to not just Veterans of the Berlin Brigade but to Educators at the K-12 and College & University levels. I would really like to hear from you. 

Thank you,
David G. Guerra

04 October 2014

October 2014

Friends, Fans, Supporters, and Visitors

It is with a heavy heart that I must apologize for shirking my responsibilities to you. I undertook these responsibilities back in 1997 when I created the first rendition of BerlinBrigade.com.

These responsibilities included updating the website to ensure that long lost friends could find each other. Over the years, I have tried to keep up with that. However, as you and I both know life happens.

Spending time with the family gets top priority. Then comes work, we have to do that dirty deed in order to pay the bills, keep food on the table, and keep the kids clothed, and so on. Now add that together with the unexpected and there we go. The things we want to do suffer because of the things we need/must do. I am not telling you anything new.

What I am telling is before you know it 17 years have gone by and what do I have to show for it?

A LOT!!!

I have met some wonderful people. Heard about people re-connecting after so many years. The stories. The stories have been wonderful. I feel so very honored and privileged to be the one that heard the stories right from the source. You.

Thank you. I will always be grateful.

At BerlinBrigade.com, I will always continue to be grateful to be the caretaker of your memories, words, and images. It is an honor and a responsibility that I have never shirked.

What I did shirk was keeping you updated and informed. 

Therefore, I will let my actions speak for themselves and not my words. 

In the past days, numerous individuals have written to me expressing their shock at the sudden closure of a favorite and honored Berlin Brigade related website. Why it closed may never be known to the rest of us, we have to respect the decision as to why the website was closed. I was not told or given and explanation to pass along to others. I am just as saddened and shocked as the rest of us were when we found out it closed. 

I am certain that I am safe in saying that ALL of us will always be thankful and grateful for Reinhard von Bronewski’s support, dedication, and commitment to the US Army Berlin Brigade and its Soldiers and Airmen. Thank you Reinhard!

Rest assured folks; at this time, there are NO plans to close BerlinBrigade.com. However, I will be curtailing some of the activities on the website and introducing new areas.

I will spearhead a new section on the BerlinBrigade.com website. It will be dedicated to educating Elementary, Middle School, High School, and College students about the Berlin Brigade, its mission, and what the men and women did to support and defend the city of West Berlin.

I know that over the years, I have wanted to launch this and I have asked for help from some of you but none of that has yielded any positive results. Therefore, I am not going to wait around for others to provide their content. Look for the new section in the coming days (NOT weeks).

For those that want to contribute there will an area that will explain how you can do that.

One last thing, Thank you for your continued support.