Here we meet again. The first half of 2014 is over and now we start the fast slide down to the holidays. Where does the time go? Seriously, just when we get used to writing 2014 on our checks we now have to get our minds wrapped around writing 2015.
In the meantime, there are plenty of things going on here, there, and everywhere.
Of course, we just celebrated our Nation’s Independence Day on the fourth. Did you know that 4 July is also BERLIN BRIGADE UNIT DAY? That is right, it was designated that in 1962 in recognition of the day the US Forces assumed the occupation of their sector in Berlin back in 1945.
In France, July 14 is their National Day or “Bastille Day” the day that commemorates the start of the French Revolution or the storming of the Bastille.
July 20 is Moon Day commemorates the day man first walked on the moon in 1969, 45 years ago.
That’s about it for holidays or other important days in July with the exception of National Ice Cream Day (July 20/ 3rd Sunday of the month) & National Lasagna Day (July 29).
On a side note, many of the older Veterans will remember that on July 12, 1973 a fire destroys the entire sixth floor of the National Personnel Records Center of the United States. Things have not been the same since.
A little closer to home, it was on July 25, 1961 US President John F. Kennedy gives a speech emphasizing that any attack on Berlin is an attack on NATO. Check out our website and Facebook page on the 25th for a little something on President Kennedy’s speech.
Have a great rest of your July.