Just weeks after the Berlin Wall falls the Czechoslovakian Communist leadership steps down and Vaclav Havel becomes President without a shot ever being fired. That was, for the most part, the scene across Eastern Europe throughout the very, very late 1980s and very, very early 1990s.
Want to take a moment and say: Rest In Peace Vaclav Havel! Thank you for your commitment, dedication, and doing what had to be done. We thank you for being one of the countless many that helped take the world out of the darkness that was Communism and into a new change, a new age, a new light.
For good or bad today, we live in a world no longer darkened by a sinister shadow that hangs over Europe. It is because of men like those that served in Berlin throughout the Cold War as did those that saw that our commitment and dedication to that beacon of freedom was to emulated throughout Eastern Europe did events such as the Velvet Revolution bring about change.
Change is above all how we become better people.
We Change Thus We Change The World!
Thank You and Rest in Peace, Vaclav Havel
KEYWORDS: • Cold War • Berlin • Berlin Brigade • West Berlin • Berlin Wall • NATO • Warsaw Pact • Vaclav Havel • Communism • Czechoslovakia • Eastern Europe • Velvet Revolution
18 December 2011
26 September 2011
Episode 33 is now online
Folks, just to let you know that Episode 33 of the BerlinBrigade.com Podcast is now online.
I invite you to take about 42 minutes to listen to a speech given by the, then, Ambassador to the United States from the Federal Republic of Germany, Dr. Klaus Scharioth on the occasion of the 20th Anniversary of the Day of German Unity on October 1, 2010. Then we are joined by Bundeswehr Lieutenant Colonel D. Eric Offermann, Deputy Army Attaché assigned to the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany. We have a great conversation running the gamut of topics from the growing pains of a unified Germany, US Forces in Germany, Operations in Afghanistan, and of course we talk about Berlin.
You can hear the entire conversation at http://www.berlinbrigade.com/podcast/33/index.html
I invite you to take about 42 minutes to listen to a speech given by the, then, Ambassador to the United States from the Federal Republic of Germany, Dr. Klaus Scharioth on the occasion of the 20th Anniversary of the Day of German Unity on October 1, 2010. Then we are joined by Bundeswehr Lieutenant Colonel D. Eric Offermann, Deputy Army Attaché assigned to the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany. We have a great conversation running the gamut of topics from the growing pains of a unified Germany, US Forces in Germany, Operations in Afghanistan, and of course we talk about Berlin.
You can hear the entire conversation at http://www.berlinbrigade.com/podcast/33/index.html
13 August 2011
50th Anniversary of the Construction of the Berlin Wall
This August 13th marks the 50th Anniversary of the construction of the Berlin Wall. It marks that day in 1961 when the world was changed this time by putting a physical scar on what used to be, up to that point, purely a virtual mark on a map. On the morning of Sunday, August 13, 1961, the citizens of Berlin, Germany woke up to the sounds of construction crews quickly erecting a barrier that snaked through the middle of the city. Up to this day, the only formal notice of division within the city of Berlin were signs declaring the impending departure of the Soviet, US, British, and French Sectors into the other sectors, throughout the entire city. Now a formal demarcation line was being put in place. At first, it was just some barbed wire and some guards, then the construction of the concrete wall that the world came to know and despise was subsequently built.
Over the years, individuals successfully and in some cases, unsuccessfully, attempted to escape from the Communist nation of the Deutsches Demokratische Republik (DDR). Then 28 years later, on November 9, 1989 the gates were opened and the wall ceased being the notorious symbol of division of one German people. Then, just as quickly as the wall came down, on October 1, 1990 the two German nations were unified as one, again. Thus the Federal Republic of Germany was born. Now, 50 years after the construction of the most horrific man-made symbol of division of people, countries, and way of life, we take time to remember the boundaries that were imposed on that Sunday morning in 1961 and we rejoice in the the limitless boundaries that are left to be discovered since that November Thursday evening in 1989.
You can visit our commemorative page at http://www.BerlinBrigade.com/50
image of Berlin Wall is a copyrighted image of David G. Guerra, All Rights Reserved.
29 May 2011
Memorial Day 2011
Want to take a moment of your time to ask you to take a moment tomorrow and remember what is the reason for Memorial Day.
From the US Memorial Day dot org website (http://www.usmemorialday.org)
"Memorial Day, originally called Decoration Day, is a day of remembrance for those who have died in our nation's service...Memorial Day was officially proclaimed on 5 May 1868 by General John Logan, national commander of the Grand Army of the Republic, in his General Order No. 11, and was first observed on 30 May 1868, when flowers were placed on the graves of Union and Confederate soldiers at Arlington National Cemetery."
Take a moment and remember all those that have paid the ultimate price as well as those that go in harm's way now. It is their sacrifice that allows us to enjoy the freedoms we have now.
Don't forget to fly the US Flag & Enjoy Your Day!
From the US Memorial Day dot org website (http://www.usmemorialday.org)
"Memorial Day, originally called Decoration Day, is a day of remembrance for those who have died in our nation's service...Memorial Day was officially proclaimed on 5 May 1868 by General John Logan, national commander of the Grand Army of the Republic, in his General Order No. 11, and was first observed on 30 May 1868, when flowers were placed on the graves of Union and Confederate soldiers at Arlington National Cemetery."
Take a moment and remember all those that have paid the ultimate price as well as those that go in harm's way now. It is their sacrifice that allows us to enjoy the freedoms we have now.
Don't forget to fly the US Flag & Enjoy Your Day!
19 April 2011
About the German Reunification Monument

I was reading an article on the REUTERS website regarding a planned German Reunification Monument. If you have not seen the concept drawings or the scale model, it is a very interesting and unique design. It looks like a cross between a long serving bowl and a seesaw. Apparently, the "bowl" is designed to "teeter-totter" just like an actual child's seesaw as people climb in. This design makes so much sense.
A new, young nation (it is only 21 years old, after all) and the struggles continue between the eastern and western parts of the country. Assimilation while on paper has taken place the reality is that there will be long difficulties for many years to come, more realistically like for generations to come. I firmly believe that the German nation will continue to grow, move past its former histories and continue to be a world leader. However, on the inside just like any and every nation on the planet, there will be troubles.
Then again, isn't that what freedom is all about? The ability to publicly disagree and show that one side is no better than the other and that ALL people are valued and respected. That they can protest and agree to disagree without fear of being sent to some far off forgotten gulag or being imprisoned because some friend or family member turned their name in to the Internal Security Police.
There it is a child's seesaw that teeters and totters, gives and takes, goes forward and backward. Thus the giving and the taking, the ups and downs of a re-unified nation, a new country is exactly represented in this monument to the new spirit of a 21st century Germany. It should also be noted that this is a great testament to the commitment and determination of the ALLIES that helped rebuild a post-war Germany, with plenty of difficulties, ups and downs, giving and a lot of taking. In the end, they all knew the day would come when both East and West Germany would be one nation again.
Of course, there are those that say, "we don't need another monument," "we must not spend the money it takes to build it," and so on. So not taking a political stand on whether it is politically right or wrong, I do say, if and when it comes into being the understanding and realization of what the monument is to the German Re-unification will be crystal clear.
image of monument model used without permission from AP.
here are some technorati tags:
Berlin German Reunification Germany East Germany West Germany Cold War USA Berlin Brigade American Sector British Sector French Sector Soviet Sector Reichstag German Reunification Monument The Berlin Wall Die Berlin Mauer
15 April 2011
The April 15 2011 Update
Here we are again and I just wanted to post a quick update as to what's happening around here are the BerlinBrigade.com World Headquarters.
Registry: 100% up-to-date (as of 04/15/11)
Registry Development Projects: Be on the lookout for changes regarding how you can view the registry. First change is by YEAR (of arrival). Let's say you arrived in 1985, soon you will be able to click on the 1985 in the Registry and you will see all those that arrived in Berlin the same year you did. A BerlinBrigade.com Community Member first brought this idea to me. Thus, if you have an idea or suggestion please drop me a note and if it is feasible we'll get it done.
Website: No Issues
Website Development Project: We got VIDEO coming REAL SOON!!!
Podcast: Episode 30 (waiting for the Interviewee to clear the interview for publication)
Podcast Development Projects: No Plan to have a Video Blog go live anytime soon, but that may change (at any time).
Commerce: No Issues
Commerce Development Projects: Be on the lookout for a new Unit to come online with their own gear. I say within in the next week or so. Again, this unit is coming online because a BerlinBrigade.com Community Member sent in a suggestion.
BerlinBrigade.com RealTime Meetups: None Planned for APRIL 2011. However, if you find yourself in the South Texas area please drop me a note. Once plans are finalized for Summer 2011 and Fall 2011 I will pass along info.
That's about it in a Nutshell.
Thank you for ALL your support.
Registry: 100% up-to-date (as of 04/15/11)
Registry Development Projects: Be on the lookout for changes regarding how you can view the registry. First change is by YEAR (of arrival). Let's say you arrived in 1985, soon you will be able to click on the 1985 in the Registry and you will see all those that arrived in Berlin the same year you did. A BerlinBrigade.com Community Member first brought this idea to me. Thus, if you have an idea or suggestion please drop me a note and if it is feasible we'll get it done.
Website: No Issues
Website Development Project: We got VIDEO coming REAL SOON!!!
Podcast: Episode 30 (waiting for the Interviewee to clear the interview for publication)
Podcast Development Projects: No Plan to have a Video Blog go live anytime soon, but that may change (at any time).
Commerce: No Issues
Commerce Development Projects: Be on the lookout for a new Unit to come online with their own gear. I say within in the next week or so. Again, this unit is coming online because a BerlinBrigade.com Community Member sent in a suggestion.
BerlinBrigade.com RealTime Meetups: None Planned for APRIL 2011. However, if you find yourself in the South Texas area please drop me a note. Once plans are finalized for Summer 2011 and Fall 2011 I will pass along info.
That's about it in a Nutshell.
Thank you for ALL your support.
14 March 2011
Earthquake & Tsunami: The Aftermath
While the story continues to unfold in Japan there is something to remember: the humanitarian efforts underway. At last count, resources from all over the planet are on their way to help on all aspects of recovery in the wake of last Friday's Tsunami and Earthquake. Working together the world can help Japan get out from under the rubble and rebuild. That means all of us have to lend a hand or two. How does one do this and WHAT CAN YOU DO?
Right now you can:
• Donate Money to the RED CROSS at http://redcross.org and click on the DONATE FUNDS button.
• Donate your unique service or skill to the RED CROSS at http://redcross.org and click on the VOLUNTEER YOUR TIME link.
• Give Blood. Donate your blood and help save lives at http://redcross.org and click on the GIVE BLOOD link.
• Get TRAINED. Get training and become certified in CPR and/or FIRST AID http://redcross.org and click on the TAKE A CLASS link.
Do this, the sooner the better. Please don't wait until it is too late.
Right now you can:
• Donate Money to the RED CROSS at http://redcross.org and click on the DONATE FUNDS button.
• Donate your unique service or skill to the RED CROSS at http://redcross.org and click on the VOLUNTEER YOUR TIME link.
• Give Blood. Donate your blood and help save lives at http://redcross.org and click on the GIVE BLOOD link.
• Get TRAINED. Get training and become certified in CPR and/or FIRST AID http://redcross.org and click on the TAKE A CLASS link.
Do this, the sooner the better. Please don't wait until it is too late.
08 March 2011
An Update
How is everyone doing? Every once in a while I will post on how things are going here are at the BerlinBrigade.com Command Headquarters and today is one of those times. This in no way replaces the podcast but is more of a behind the scene look at how things are here and now.
I do hope everyone has been in good health. Since my last update, things around here have been pretty steady. Seems like the weather all over has started to stabilize and that's a very good thing.
Here are the Command Headquarters I am working hard to bring you the constant variety of life at Berlin Brigade and with that comes interviews from all sides of the 4th of July Platz (from the parade field to the review stand to the bleachers). Thus, I am issuing another call for those interested to be interviewed on the podcast. By now, I am certain you know the interview format (if not, I invite you to check out the latest episode #29 at http://www.berlinbrigade.com/podcast/29/index.html)
Next, some changes on the horizon to the layout of the website. If you have been following BerlinBrigade.com over the past years, you know that I am always messing with the layout. Again, this is for the site visitors to say "Hey, this wasn't here the last time." Something to remember, the changes are minor and nothing that will impact the load time or functionality of the website will ever be implemented (maybe tested but not implemented). So be on the look out for that in the coming weeks/months.
This goes out to everyone that is having or planning a reunion please drop me a note so that we can have you or a representative join us on the podcast to help spread the word and help make your reunion more of a success.
Other than that, (knocking on wood) things are on the positive side. So that means you need to Stay Positive, Stay Safe and Stay Ünique.
I do hope everyone has been in good health. Since my last update, things around here have been pretty steady. Seems like the weather all over has started to stabilize and that's a very good thing.
Here are the Command Headquarters I am working hard to bring you the constant variety of life at Berlin Brigade and with that comes interviews from all sides of the 4th of July Platz (from the parade field to the review stand to the bleachers). Thus, I am issuing another call for those interested to be interviewed on the podcast. By now, I am certain you know the interview format (if not, I invite you to check out the latest episode #29 at http://www.berlinbrigade.com/podcast/29/index.html)
Next, some changes on the horizon to the layout of the website. If you have been following BerlinBrigade.com over the past years, you know that I am always messing with the layout. Again, this is for the site visitors to say "Hey, this wasn't here the last time." Something to remember, the changes are minor and nothing that will impact the load time or functionality of the website will ever be implemented (maybe tested but not implemented). So be on the look out for that in the coming weeks/months.
This goes out to everyone that is having or planning a reunion please drop me a note so that we can have you or a representative join us on the podcast to help spread the word and help make your reunion more of a success.
Other than that, (knocking on wood) things are on the positive side. So that means you need to Stay Positive, Stay Safe and Stay Ünique.
17 February 2011
Ronald Reagan Strasse or Ronald Reagan Platz?

This past February 6, 2011 the world celebrated what would have been former US President Ronald Reagan's 100th Birthday a debate was taking place in the German capital city of Berlin. The debate was that of whether or not to name a street or square in honor of US President Ronald Reagan for his role in the bringing the Cold War to the end.
Of course, President Reagan did not end the Cold War by himself but when a leader of a Nation takes the lead to make something happen certainly the commitment and determination of those that support and follow such leaders will do what they can to make it happen. Such leadership against the Cold War, the Soviet Union, and Communism lead to its inevitable conclusion: The Fall of the Berlin Wall, the eventual break up of the Warsaw Pact and finally, the dissolution of the Soviet Union. Thus the Cold War came to an end.
Now the question: Why not, at least, a street or square in honor of the man who went to the Berlin and stood near the Berlin Wall close to the base of the Brandenburg Gate and called out to General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev on June 12, 1987 when he said, "..if you seek prosperity for the Soviet Union and eastern Europe, if you seek liberalization, come here to this gate. Mr. Gorbachev, open this gate. Mr. Gorbachev, Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!"?
Since the end of World War II until the Fall of the Berlin Wall other men and women have gone to Berlin, some were Presidents, some were Diplomats, some were even Soldiers. All were there to ensure that Freedom was Defended and that the Right of Access to West Berlin was maintained. When all was said and done, the wall did fall and it was not until everyone was certain that the mission was accomplished that the Soldiers of the Berlin Brigade and other Allied Forces departed the city they came to Know, Live in, and Love.
So, to answer the question of whether or not to name a Berlin street or square after US President Ronald Reagan this US Army Veteran, who proudly served in Berlin, is a Most Definite: YES, Please and Thank You!!!
US President Ronald Reagan, Berlin Brigade, Cold War, West Berlin, Berlin Wall, Tear Down This Wall, Ronald Reagan Strasse or Ronald Reagan Platz
12 February 2011
Egypt's "Fall of the Berlin Wall" moment?
Another (semi-) Peaceful Revolution has change the landscape of the world forever. Over the past few days the citizens of this planet were witnesses to another dramatic change in the history of Earth.
Much like the events of 1989 that lead to the eventual fall of the Berlin Wall, the events of the 2011 are based pretty much on the same needs of people to have their voices heard, to demand that their governments be transparent, to be a government of the people and above all a government FOR THE PEOPLE.
What happens in Egypt after all the dust settles is truly up to the people and those still in power as to how they want to shape the future of Egypt, the Middle East, and the World.
For so long there was an uneasy fight for leadership in the Middle East between Saudi Arabia and Egypt. Both countries though very close geographically but are thousands of miles part when it came to politics. One was very much a close knit Royal Family that ran the show while the other well it we all saw what it was. These two countries became the de facto leaders of the region in that whenever a crisis arose one or the other was right in the middle of it or dragged into it. One thing was certain neither were satisfied being bystanders. At times many smaller Middle East nations took their cue from Egypt. They would wait and see how Egypt acted to an action or threat before reacting. I don't think that is going to change and in fact it may lead to more revolution.
Much like the very Late 80s and very Early 90s when revolution was sweeping across Eastern Europe, the "winds of change" taking place in numerous countries in the Middle East are moving so fast that I would not be surprised that once all is said and done this change becomes known as the "Sandstorm Revolution"
No matter what it is eventually called, one thing is certain: At this moment in time we are witnesses to Egypt's "Fall of the Berlin Wall" and that is a very good thing.
08 January 2011
Happy New Year!!!

Have a Prosperous, Healthy, and Wonderful 2011!!!
Haben Sie wohlhabendes, gesundes und wundervolles 2011!!!
All my best,
David Guerra
Using Creative Commons Credit: The image New Years Eve from 7th floor at Theodor-Heuss-Platz, Berlin, Germany courtesy of Benno Hansen at http://www.flickr.com/photos/bennohansen/5321698626/
The first full week of 2011 has come to an end and now we have no choice but to go forward. I trust that everyone had a great first week. If not, then you have only one place to go and that is up from here. If you were fortunate enough to have a great week then keep it up. No matter what happens from here please pace yourself as there are still 51 weeks to go.
As for here at BerlinBrigade.com, there are many projects that are lined up through 2011 and well into the future. So be on the lookout for things to happen and happen fast. It will be nice working with others from the BerlinBrigade.com Community on the upcoming events and projects.
As for here at BerlinBrigade.com, there are many projects that are lined up through 2011 and well into the future. So be on the lookout for things to happen and happen fast. It will be nice working with others from the BerlinBrigade.com Community on the upcoming events and projects.
Die erste volle Woche von 2011 ist zu einem Ende gekommen und jetzt haben wir keine Wahl aber, vorwärts zu gehen. Ich vertraue, dass jeder eine große erste Woche hatte. Wenn nicht, dann haben Sie nur einen Platz, zum zu gehen und der ist oben von hier. Wenn Sie genug glücklich waren, eine große Woche zu haben dann sie aufrechtzuerhalten. Egal was von hier gefallen geschieht, schreiten Sie sich, da es noch 51 Wochen gibt, zum zu gehen.
Was hier anbetrifft bei BerlinBrigade.com, gibt es viele Projekte, die durch 2011 und gut in die Zukunft ausgerichtet. Seien Sie so auf dem Ausblick, damit Sachen schnell geschehen und geschehen. Es ist nette Funktion mit anderen von der BerlinBrigade.com-Gemeinschaft auf den bevorstehenden Ereignissen und den Projekten.
Was hier anbetrifft bei BerlinBrigade.com, gibt es viele Projekte, die durch 2011 und gut in die Zukunft ausgerichtet. Seien Sie so auf dem Ausblick, damit Sachen schnell geschehen und geschehen. Es ist nette Funktion mit anderen von der BerlinBrigade.com-Gemeinschaft auf den bevorstehenden Ereignissen und den Projekten.
Have a Prosperous, Healthy, and Wonderful 2011!!!
Haben Sie wohlhabendes, gesundes und wundervolles 2011!!!
All my best,
David Guerra
Using Creative Commons Credit: The image New Years Eve from 7th floor at Theodor-Heuss-Platz, Berlin, Germany courtesy of Benno Hansen at http://www.flickr.com/photos/bennohansen/5321698626/
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