29 July 2006

July 29 Website Updated

All the inbound Registry additions and email change requests for the last month have been added to the REGISTRY database.

COMMERCE page has been update with UNIT GUIDON FLAGS for all 4th Battalion, 502nd Infantry Companies A, B, C, CSC, and HHC. UNIT GUIDON FLAGS for all 5th Battalion, 502nd Infantry Companies A, B, C, CSC, and HHC added as well.

More stuff coming soon.

Additionally, a NEW SHAMELESS SELF-PROMOTION page will be coming online in the coming weeks. The purpose of this section will be for those former members of the Brigade to promote their goods or services to other former members of the Berlin Brigade. So if you have a business, service, or goods that you want to promote, start getting your information together.

DO NOT SEND anything in until, we ask for it as the section is undergoing testing right now and NOT ready to accept live data.

The live audio history program is still in development and should be coming online sometime in the fall.

That's all the news that's fit. Thanks